
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Shandée - Chasing Dreams

The past has struck me hard, it seems

Preventing me from moving ahead in my dreams

When I finally break my heart's icy shell

Chained ghosts surface and my happiness quell


I should not care about what others think

But fear grips me, and I'm on the brink

Countless nights with just my pillow for a friend

Sharing all my sorrows, with no sign of an end


Moments I never thought I'd live, I've seen

The world thinks I'm insane, and that's what it's been

What's the use of sanity in a world that doesn't care?

No one understands my pain, and no one's there


Someone kissed me with their heart, and I let go

Lost in their embrace, I reached for the sky's glow

But it vanished, just as it came

Leaving me with nothing but an empty frame


All I have now is my own mind

Stupid doubts that won't let me unwind

How can I forget the love I had

The promises and stories that made me glad


It hurts to hold onto these memories, I know

But they're all I have, and I won't let go

I've cried enough, screamed at life

Said I won't love again, that I'll never thrive


But someone new has come into my life

Filling my days with joy, removing strife

My nights are no longer lonely, with them near

They think of me and care, and that's so dear


My tears have turned to smiles, my laments to glee

It's not magic, just something that had to be

I must handle it with maturity, not fall again

For love is a risky game, filled with pain


I'm afraid to lose sight of where I'm headed

For when the heart falls, the brain is bedded

A new life is offered, and I want to believe

It won't be easy, but I won't deceive

I asked the heavens for comfort, and an angel came

Saying that I'll never be happy if I don't lose shame

It's better to try and fail than to never know

Regretting what I didn't do, with nothing to show


So, I'll leave everything behind and give it a shot

Before losing someone who says they love me a lot

Friday, December 21, 2012

Shandée - The Power of Faith

I feel the urge to cry To scream, to run and never die Where will my tears go? I want to trust in you, my Lord For I know that you are my friend You want to give me love galore You love me, as I love you, till the end Even when I feel alone and lost And cannot explain to my heart your presence I know I can see you, at any cost If I have faith, you will be my essence You ask nothing from me, but love Not wealth or fame, just my devotion You give me everything I need, above You are the source of my emotion I cry, and will cry for eternity I know I am not perfect, but that's not the end I can change and be different, that's my destiny Being imperfect is not an excuse, my friend I am a piece of you, my Lord You created me with your own hands You keep my story in your heart, adored You love me despite my sins and demands I give you my sins for your forgiveness I give you my dreams and talents for your purpose In every sound of this world, I feel your caress In every bird that flies, I see your purpose How much do I give compared to what you give? My whole life is not enough to repay My dear God, please take this burden, let me live Make my faith grow stronger every day Angels protect your home, and send them to me I am not a saint, but I know you love me Jesus, do not leave me alone, I need thee Take me by the hand and let my dreams be I give you my soul, my heart, my all You are the owner of my life, my every need Guide me to where you want, let me stand tall Send me your angels, and be my guide to succeed.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Shandée - Time and Love

Not just another year It's simply time that goes by Leaving us with things We must learn to utilize The candles will never go out For the light will remain in my days And wishes will come true When I achieve what I dream to achieve Friends are few But those I have Are the ones my heart Entrusted to God on lonely days I don't need gifts Nothing material is important Because what is given with love Can't be bought with money It's just time that goes by Which never comes back And we have to learn that life gives us everything What remains is love, and everything else just goes away.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Angel Shandee - Someone That I Used To Love

Look at me and tell me what you see

My hands are free

Don't you remember that you tied them?

and I could not take my heart away from you?

You were part of my dreams

You were my prison

on cold days

But I woke up and now you are no longer anything in my life

No need to be captive

no prisoner

I am free because I was born free

I can walk and go where I want

Love does not kill

But I chose wrong

And I paid with pain

you hurt every part of me

The days and nights

Were the same

In the darkness where I was

Nothing made ​​sense

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Shandée - Thank You for Leaving

I also have something to say And it's not something you want to hear
My words will be as cold As sunless mornings You left without saying a word And that's not what matters now Though I have to be honest I tried to decipher the hypocrisy of your love You left with the first thing you found I never felt like you changed me But your impatience led you to act with madness One day you'll cry and I'll be there to wipe your tears My heart doesn't know how to forget But it forgives without thinking I can't deny that I cried when you left But when I woke up, I found a new light I discovered your deception When I saw that the words That you once used with me You used with someone else You didn't care to turn around and go You left without any reason And days later, according to you, you already loved someone else It's foolish to think that desperation made you act without your heart Now it's me who says goodbye to you I don't care where you are And I don't care who you're with It was your decision to stay with someone who isn't on your level Nothing is the same without you I know that Because now I breathe without pain Everything is different since you're not here I have to thank your decision Because I learned to value myself To look in the mirror and know who I am Thank you for leaving Because without you, I can say that I feel alive

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Angel Shandee - Me Robaste

En la obscuridad
en el silencio
sin miradas
ni palabras

Sin besos
ni abrazos
de aquello que hubo
solo polvo quedó

Aún recuerdo
las melodías
con las que conocí el amor
palabras que se quedaron en mi corazón

Robaste mis sonrisas
robaste mi atención
y me quedé junto a ti
de mi solo tu tenías el control

Pero todo acabó
las promesas
se quedaron
y no me importan más

Duele ver la realidad
es difícil perdonar
pero así como empezaste a amar
así mismo puedes olvidar

Friday, April 27, 2012

Angel Shandee - El Deseo De Tu Corazón

Todo lo que tengo 
es todo lo que ves
y aunque quiera más
se que tengo que esperar

No es difícil cuando sueñas 
no es imposible cuando luchas
porque lo que hay en este mundo
en tus manos lo puedes tener

No veas a nadie más alto que tú
no creas que todo es inalcanzable
porque tus ojos ven tan lejos
tanto como lo que tú puedes lograr

Todo es para ti
y lo tienes que ver así
nada está tan lejos
si crees en ti

Sueña y no te canses
que las estrellas están por algo
y allá en lo alto hay alguien
que solo pide tu amor

No te canses de caminar
no te canses de luchar
da todo de ti 
y no mires hacia atrás

Que siempre hay alguien 
que estará cerca de ti
para hacer realidad
el deseo de tu corazón

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Angel Shandee - La Fuerza de la Fe

La fe es lo que quedaba

para aquella mujer que tanto sufrió.

Sus palabras siempre fueron:

"Que el cielo se apiade de mi dolor".


Mujer hermosa,

creyente del amor de Dios,

del mundo tuvo siempre la atención.

Creía en ella misma y eso la ayudó a luchar.


"Mami, yo no te quiero perder",

eran las palabras que su hija le decía,

y era lo que mantenía en su mente noche y día,

y era lo que le ayudaba a seguir.


Su corazón tan fuerte

que no reclamaba,

más bien agradecía lo que le pasaba,

pues sentía que era especial para que Dios la eligiera entre tantas.


Cada vez era más dura la prueba y en ella se veía el cambio.

Ella sonreía mientras los demás la veían con lágrimas en sus ojos.

Siempre mostraba su fuerza para no dejarse vencer,

y sus palabras fueron: "Sus oraciones sé que llegan a nuestro Creador".


Eran pocas veces las que se le escuchaba llorar,

porque como humana también tenía derecho a caer,

pero cada mañana se levantaba con ánimo de vivir,

esperando que todo solo fuera un sueño.


Confiaba en que todo pasaría,

pero a veces dudaba cuando veía a otras partir,

y le pedía al cielo que a ella no la dejara morir,

pues tenía en este mundo mucho por hacer.


Hablaba con Dios por las noches,

le decía con sus lágrimas

que ella sentía fuerzas porque sabía que no estaba sola,

y pedía perdón si a veces desfallecía.


Dios jamás nos abandona,

jamás nos deja,

por mucho que parezca que en este mundo solos estamos,

solo tenemos que aprender a creer hasta en lo que no vemos.


Porque hasta hoy sé que muchas mujeres luchan como yo,

y jamás dejan de creer en el amor de Dios.

Y así como tantas que luchan como yo,

también hay otras que desde el cielo, como ángeles, nos ven.


(Este post lo escribí con mucho respeto a las mujeres que luchan contra el cáncer. Hay personas que conozco que aún luchan con esa enfermedad, así mismo, también hay personas que se han adelantado).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Angel Shandee - No Volveré a Caer


¿Quien fuiste tú?
Preguntas que no tienen sentido
palabras que un día adornaron al amor
que ahora solo es historia en mi vida

Me alejé del mundo
y prestaba atención solo a tu voz
muchas veces quise correr
pero se me hacia cómodo quedarme en tus brazos

Juré que no iba a llorar
pero las promesas se hicieron para romperse
porque hasta las paredes más fuertes
llegan un día a caerse

Llené la bolsa roja
a la cual tú le llamas corazón
esa que llevas en tu pecho
la cual sabes usar y es cómplice de tu manipulación

Cada detalle que recuerdo
cada momento que pasamos juntos
me dan las respuestas
a lo que tanto buscaba

Pero de nada sirve decir lo que sientes
cuando alguien como tú no tiene conciencia
mucho menos puedo esperar
que tengas decencia

Una persona como tú solo se recuerda para no volver a caer.